Should you know your surgeons performance data?




performance data for Dr Iqbal Malik 2012-2013

The medical director of the NHS, Professor Sir Bruce Keogh feels all surgeons  should publish thier operative success rates. I agree, but will the general public understand that if a surgeon agrees to take on high risk cases, perhaps that others do not wish to do, then they should not be scape-goated or penalised. It is difficult to compare surgeons doing different operations on different patients.

However,  you should be able to say that the surgeon does a good volume of cases. For cardiologists this sort of data has been routinely published for a few years. I attach a link to my data. I am prepared to do high risk angioplasty, including acute heart attack cases and those who have already had a cardiac arrest. Despite this my data looks good.  I hope I do not become more conservative with my case selection in the future!


Dr Malik




Posted on 22 November 2014
Author: Dr Iqbal Malik

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