As part of educational commitments our consultants are regularly involved in live interventional cases. These are most often recorded as part of specialist international conferences where an interactive element between the conference delegates and operator is involved. For this reason the cases are often unique and interesting.
Dr Malik and the team are world renowned cardiologists and give talks regularly, as well as appear in the media. Here are some of their videos. Some are cases, and some are education talks, collated on Our YouTube Channel
Bad coronary disease with no symptoms. What’s the best treatment option?
Dr Malik delivers a talk to cardiothoracic surgical trainees, exploring all of the latest evidence. If you’ve got severe coronary artery disease but no symptoms – should you do something or nothing? Pills, stents, Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)? Watch and learn with Dr Malik.
It is not all about the heart, but most of the serious causes, and of course the ones that cause patients most concern, and trips to A+E/ER are cardiac in nature.
See this YouTube produced by Dr Malik in association with TopDoctors. Dr Malik is rated as one of the TopDoctors in London. He runs the Heart Attack Centre at Hammersmith Hospital, and is lead for Structural Heart Disease.
Dr Malik, Dr Davies and Dr Kandzari turn severe 3 vessel coronary disease into single vessel disease with the magic of modern medicine. The use of a pressure wire lead to the right coronary and circumflex arteries being left alone, and only the left anterior descending artery being treated. The use of modern technology, some of it pioneered by these operators, reduces risk, and improved outcomes.
Dr Iqbal Malik does the UK first Left Atrial Appendage (LAA) Closure with the new Occlutech LAAO device. This was done as a “live case” for the international CSI-Frankfurt Meeting in June 2016.
Dr Malik was assisted by Dr Nilesh Sutaria on Echo, Dr Neil Ruparalia as assistant, and Dr Sukh Nijjer who controlled all the Video and Editing.
Dr Iqbal Malik takes part in a live case of percutaneous paravalvular leak closure on a patient with significant AR. The video was filmed at Imperial College NHS Trust. Dr Malik is a leading interventional cardiologist and a member of the team at London Cardiovascular Clinic. Click here to veiw his biography and find out more about the clinic.
Dr Iqbal Malik takes part in a live case of percutaneous paravalvular leak closure on a patient with significant AR. The video was filmed at Imperial College NHS Trust. Dr Malik is a leading interventional cardiologist and a member of the team at London Cardiovascular Clinic. Click here to veiw his biography and find out more about the clinic.
Dr Iqbal Malik takes part in a live case of percutaneous paravalvular leak closure on a patient with significant AR. The video was filmed at Imperial College NHS Trust. Dr Malik is a leading interventional cardiologist and a member of the team at London Cardiovascular Clinic. Click here to veiw his biography and find out more about the clinic.
Atrial Septal Defect Closure with an umbrella device is used more often than open heart surgery to close holes in the heart. This was a filmed case from 2014.
The case was not straightforward but the final result was excellent and the patient is very well 1 year later with a near normal heart.
If you are a patient that may need this procedure then watch and several happens whilst you are asleep.