AC Milan player undergoes PFO closure

Last week saw one of the “bad boys” of Italian football taken ill after a flight returning from an away game. The player involved was Antonio Cassano, 29 year old striker who plays for AC Milan in Italy.

It is reported that he was joking with teammates on the plane, before suddenly developing problems with his vision, speech and movement. After various tests it appears that he under-went PFO closure on the morning of 3rd November. The club’s statement ‘The player will undergo a small surgical cardiological intervention in the coming days and the recovery time will be better defined after the surgery, but it will probably be a few months.’

Different devices for hole closure

The link between PFO and cerebral-vascular events is well known and evidence shows a complete closure can reduce the chances of recurrence of stroke. Here at London Cardiovascular clinic we are experienced in the investigation and treatment of PFO and ASD. Dr Malik, consultant cardiologist is a leading expert in this field.

If you would like to know more please us the “contact us” and we’ll call you back.

Posted on 09 December 2011
Author: Dr Iqbal Malik
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